What is Revival?
“And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and enable your servants to speak your word with all boldness, as you stretch forth [your] hand to heal, and signs and wonders are done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
Acts 4:29-30
Revival is a Eucharist centric healing service where prayer ministers in partnership with the Holy Spirit, speak words of healing and restoration in the name of Jesus over all who seek healing. We pray with the boldness and authority entrusted by Jesus, and have witnessed attendees being blessed with physical, spiritual and/or emotional healing.
Revival is springing Acts 4:29 into action.
What happens during Revival?
Worship team during Revival at St Luke, Shoreline
“Come, let us sing joyfully to the LORD; cry out to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with a song of praise, joyfully sing out our psalms.” - Psalms 95 : 1-2
Revival starts with Praise and Worship.
Praise is the most formidable weapon a Christian has against the enemy. Engaging in Praise, irrespective of the life situation we are facing, breaks the hold of the enemy setting a pathway to breakthroughs. During Praise, we immerse ourselves in singing joyful songs, thanking the Lord for His goodness, His faithfulness and favor, and the gift of redemption through His son.
Praise is followed by a brief time of adoration as the priest brings Jesus to the attendees in the form of the Blessed Sacrament to preside over rest of the evening.
"Let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us. For he is our God, we are the people he shepherds” - Psalms 95 : 6-7
In the presence of Jesus, there is a shift to a time of worship. This draws the congregation into an intimate closeness with Jesus. It is akin to entering into the Holy of Holies, preparing everyone’s heart for what the Lord has planned for each person.
Deacon Reuben preparing the congregation for Prophetic Healing at St Thomas, Tukwila
"Heal me, LORD, that I may be healed; save me, that I may be saved, for you are my praise." - Jeremiah 17 : 14
After praise and worship, a guest speaker testifies to the healing and breakthrough in their lives through the move of the Holy Spirit. The healing sessions begin after this testimony.
Revival provides prayer ministry in 2 different ways :
Prophetic Healing : There are 2 parts to this session -
Words of Knowledge : The Revival prophetic ministry team spends severals days in fasting and prayer ahead of Revival to discern words of healing from the Holy Spirit for a specific condition or a person. The speaker announces these words during this session and asks those people to whom it applies, to come forward to be prayed over by a prayer minister to receive the healing.
Impartation : Impartation is a free giving of gifts from the Holy Spirit to everyone who asks. These gifts are of different types (prophecy, tongues, healing, teaching etc) and are meant to be used for building up the body of Christ. After the words of knowledge, the speaker will ask everyone to come and receive these gifts.
Individual Prayer Ministry : The individual prayer ministry is a personal prayer ministry session that runs in parallel with Prophetic Healing. This session is for those who need a deeper, focused time of inner healing. The individual prayer ministry has several prayer stations (usually in a separate location in the Church), with each prayer station having 2 trained prayer ministers available to pray for an individual.
Apart from prayer ministry, Revival also offers sacrament of reconciliation. The sacrament of reconciliation commences at the same time as the prayer ministry sessions.
After the prayer ministry sessions, the Priest conducts a Eucharistic Blessing where he carries the Blessed Sacrament and walks through all the pews to bless the congregation while the worship team plays the song of blessing. This is then followed by participant testimonies where everyone is encouraged to come up and witness to any healing/restoration they have received during the evening to thank and glorify the Lord.
Revival ends with a brief time of fellowship and socialization in the hall (or other appropriate location).
Read about some of the Revival testimonies here and view our media gallery here.
Prophetic Healing at St Luke, Shoreline
When and where does Revival happen?
Revival is organized three times a year - generally in February, May and October. Revival is conducted in one of the Catholic churches in the Seattle archdiocese. Our plan is to organize Revival across different parishes.
Please note these are approximate months. If you’d like to be notified for exact dates, please sign up on our mailing list below, or click here to see the Revival calendar on this website. If your parish would like to host a Revival, please contact us through this link.